Everyone is good at this…

Every person I know has the innate ability to determine if someone else truly believes in what they are saying and doing.

This is a critical idea for today’s business environment because as a leader your team members and staff will be making these observations of you. The ability to do this over time will make them even more accurate in their determinations.

In terms of having your leaders develop and meet challenges this can be your biggest ally. Make it clear what drives you and why. Never waver in your support for your team and take every opportunity to show why your team and the items you are championing are important to you.

Creating buy in like this is a key component for the success of any initiative whether it is implementing a new vision and mission, an important project, etc. Indeed, while a certain measure of success is possible without this component being in place, true triumphs are going to be rare.

In addition, teams will perform much better if they are fully engaged and productive and knowing that their leader is fully committed is an important precursor for these conditions to exist.

The idea of believing in what is said and done is also foundational to the Business Excellence Group Inc. Not only does the work get done here – it is done with a purpose. We want our clients to achieve outcomes that were not even thought to be possible previously. Our clients know that we believe in what we say and do. It is why we exist.